Bunions Toronto Foot Clinic-Causes-Symptoms-Treatment

A bunion is a deformity of the joint which connects the foot to the big toe. Among the medical professionals, a bunion is known as hallux abducto valgus and is characterized by medical and lateral deviation of the big toe ( hallux) which is described as an enlargement of the tissue at the bottom of the big toe around the joint. This joint is known as metatarsophalangeal joint. The big toe gets misaligned, points outwards and rotates towards the smaller toe. The enlarged joint can develop pain, redness, and tenderness. Swelling and redness can increase when a small fluid sac adjacent to the joint becomes inflamed. Walkite Foot Clinic located in Toronto understands how to treat and diagnose the causes and symptoms of Bunions. A deep pain will be experienced when arthritis develops in the coming stages.
Bunionette or tailor’s bunion is referred to a less common bunion which is located at the joint of the smallest toe.
• Bunions are affected in women mostly.
• Symptoms are rarely found in bunions.
• It is a progressive deformity.
• A bunion is a deformity where the bones get realigned at the joint of the big toe.
• Inner foot at the base of the big toe is affected most commonly but can also affect the outer part of the little toe.
• Various treatments are suggested including icing, rest, orthotics (foot support), alteration of footwear, steroid injections and medications.
Symptoms and signs:
Irritated skin, joint redness, and pain, the shift of the bigger toe towards the others and pain when walking are the symptoms for a bunion. Blisters can also be found around the area where bunion is affected.
It would be very difficult to wear shoes during this time and will not fit your legs properly. A pair of new shoes with relatively bigger size should be made ready. As the bunion gets more severe, then you will experience unbearable pain even without the constriction of shoes as this becomes a problem for the toes to function mechanically.
The treatment is done conservatively like in all other cases with different orthotics, changes in foot gear, icing, rest and medication. More than correcting the actual deformity these treatments address symptoms.
Orthotics- They are regulators or splints while the conservative measures include footwear like toe spacers, toes separators, bunion splints, bunion cushions and bunion regulators.
Procedures are chosen and designed to correct various pathologies which are associated with the bunions and the combination of the procedure will give a great relief to the patient.
o The abnormal enlargement of the bone can be removed.
o The first metatarsal bone must be realigned with the adjacent one.
o Lengthening, shortening, lowering or raising the first metatarsal bone should be done.
o By Syndesmosis procedure, two parallel bones must be connected side by side.
Health, age, activity level and lifestyle of the patient play a major role in the choice of the procedure. Conatct Walkite Foot Clinic located in Toronto who understands how to treat and diagnose the causes and symptoms of Bunions.